Lipoma Treatment

This is the era of advancement and every other person wants to use its benefits. In many middle-aged people, small bumps may appear under the skin, but there is no need to panic. These little bumps are not cancerous all the time. They are formed due to various reasons. There are many types of procedures available to remove Lipoma. Our Aesthetic Clinic is offering Lipoma Treatment in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia to help people struggling to get rid of this.

Quick Facts:

  • Time: Depends 
  • Downtime: no
  • Results: Lifetime 
  • Cost: 10,999 SAR to 14,999 SAR
  • Side effects: mild discomfort 
  • Type: non-invasive and mild surgical 
  • Recovery: Quick

What is Lipoma Treatment?

Lipoma is a non-cancerous type of little bumps that grow under the skin. These are formed of some type of fat cells. There is no particular area of their growth. They may develop on the neck, arms, back, or any part of the body. The Lipomas are not at all hard, but soft to the touch. When touched or pressed, the fat cells then make it move. The shape of the Lipoma depends as these can be round or oval.


The outcomes of Lipoma Treatment are very fabulous. Their surgical removal leaves only a little scar that may heal in a few days. The less invasive surgical procedure provides various benefits. Additionally, this procedure is very secure and it is approved by FDA authorities.

Lipoma Treatment in riyadh Best Lipoma Treatment clinic in riyadh Best Lipoma Treatment cost in Riyadh

Lipoma Treatment Clinic Riyadh Best Lipoma Treatment surgeons Lipoma Treatment cost in riyadh


The outcomes include: 

  • The removal of lipoma provides comfort and takes away all of the discomfort.
  • These non-cancerous bumps when extracted provide literal peace to one’s mind.
  • A less non-invasive treatment gives long-term solutions after the removal.
  • The certified specialists give the possible suggestions to relieve the patients.
  • Extraction of fat cells.
  • It does not harm any other tissues present within the skin.
  • The candidate will feel comfortable in his/her body.

Ideal Candidate:

Any other person can get Lipoma Treatment  done if: 

  • People who are medically in good health.
  • Hard bumps that cause pain and disturbance in the body. 
  • Candidates with severe medical issues cannot get the treatment.
  • People who are self-conscious about their bodies can get them removed.
  • People Under the age of 60 are eligible for the surgical procedures.

Pre-care Instructions:

A person should take pre-care instructions before getting Lipoma treatment. Some are as mentioned below:

  • Tell your consultant about all of your previous medical history.
  • Stop any type of heavy medication you’re taking.
  • Do not take muscle supplements.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Maintain a healthy diet.
  • Before cutting the surgery fast for 6 hours.
  • Where loose clothes to avoid any type of mishap.

How does it work?

There are many factors upon which the treatment options depend, some of the very positive procedures are described below: 

  • Injection lipolysis: 

This procedure has very little downtime and it is the best non-invasive available option in which the fat cells are dissolved to get rid of lipoma.

This is also one of the types of nonsurgical treatment in which a small cannula is used on the fat cells to treat lipoma with the help of suction methods. 

  • Surgical procedure: 

The only surgical treatment available for lipoma removal is this option. In this method, small types of cuts are made upon the lipoma. After making the incisions,  the fat cells are then extracted. The time of that treatment depends upon the size of the lipoma present within the skin. After the surgical treatment, you should rest at least for a week to avoid any type of infection. 

Aftercare Instructions:

Some of the instructions after getting the treatment must be followed:

  • As the procedure is done under local anesthesia it has no downtime.
  • Stop doing any type of hard exercise.
  • You can carry on with your home chores after a day or two.
  • Try to follow the doctor’s advice and take all the prescribed medicines.
  • As told by the doctor, don’t bathe for at least one day after the surgery.
  • Try to keep the treated area clean and dry.
  • After the surgical treatment, change the dressings and bandages as told by the specialist.
  • In case of any swelling apply ice packs for 5 minutes.
  • To avoid any type of infection use silicone gels.


After a few hours of the treatment, you may feel swelling or itching t but it may go after sometimes. The therapy doesn’t cause any side effects after the procedure. You can carry your daily house chores and work. The self-confidence of the candidate is improved after getting any type of method for removal.

Cost of Lipoma Treatment in Riyadh:

Our clinic is offering Lipoma Treatment in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia to provide you guys with relief from this distress. The cost of the treatment is 10,999 SAR to 14,999 SAR which depends upon many factors and it varies from person to person according to the severity of the problem.

Factors impacting: 

  • Experience of the doctor 
  • Amount or dosage of anesthesia given
  • Total number of products used
  • Location of the doctor’s clinic 
  • Fee of the specialist 
  • Number of sessions required 

Best Specialists for Lipoma Treatment in Riyadh:

This procedure has many excellent results. It provides comfort and improves the self-esteem of the candidate. Our professional surgeons at our clinic provide the best suggestions for candidates to get rid of lipoma bumps. The candidates can surely achieve their desired goals in a short period. You may visit our  Clinic to get Lipoma Treatment in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia to get a personalized plan. Kindly contact our clinic to know further details.

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