Best High Definition Liposculpture in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia

It is an advanced cosmetic treatment that is gaining importance with time it is used to improve the contouring of the body for a better shape and appearance of the body. It is the best solution for those people who are seeking solutions or treatments to enhance their overall body looks the changes made by this procedure are prominent. This technique is used to remove unwanted fat of the person from the body from the areas where it is not needed. At the beginning of the procedure, mostly local anesthesia is used to make the person unconscious. The fat that is removed is below the layers of the skin and is performed on specific parts of the body like the neck, breast, shoulder, and handles.

Quick Facts:

  • Procedure time: one to several hours
  • Results time: several months 
  • Downtime: two to five days at home
  • Side effects: Bruising, infection, and anesthetic risks
  • Procedure type: about four types

What is high-definition body contouring:

It is the fourth most popular cosmetic procedure that is being performed nowadays it is a non-invasive fat-burning procedure by which unwanted fat of the body if removed from particular parts of the body, and advanced techniques are used to remove fat from the deep down layers of skin it is far better than old fashioned liposuction. For this treatment to be performed a laser laser is used to cut the fat out from the area that is going to be treated after this muscles of the body are revealed and curves get a better appearance. It is not an easy treatment not all dermatologists can perform it successfully. This is far better than the results from the gym and regular activities.


Best High Definition Liposculpture surgeons Best High Definition Liposculpture clinic in riyadh High Definition Liposculpture in riyadh

Best High Definition Liposculpture cost in Riyadh Best High Definition Liposculpture in riyadh High Definition Liposculpture Clinic Riyadh

The Course of Action:

It is a cosmetic procedure used to remove excess fat and make the appearance of body muscles clear overall physical appearance is improved. At the beginning of the procedure, local anesthesia is used then small cuts are made by which the cannula will be passed to suck the excess fat out of the body part that is going to be treated then carefully the shape of the muscles is made for a more toned appearance. Surgeons use specialized techniques in particular areas like the chest, arms, and thighs. The procedure requires a skillful dermatologist for the best result and natural looks of the treated area. The recovery procedure will include wearing specific clothes that are advised by the doctor for optimal healing and always following post-operative measures.


The number of fat cells is reduced in the person and appearance is enhanced by the proper shaping of the body parts. The changes will be maintained if the person’s weight remains stable then the skin itself molds it into a new shape which enhances the self-esteem of the person and gives more social confidence.


  1. Wear comfortable garments that are comfortable to carry and are soft.
  2. Follow the instructions given by the dermatologist to have better results.
  3. Avoid harsh activities during the initial stages of the treatment for not to affect your body.
  4. Stay hydrated and have good nutritious food for optimal results of the treatment.
  5. Take proper medicines and care of the treated area to relieve pain.
  6. Avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol to not affect your overall health.
  7. Gently massage the treated area for the blood to flow easily in that area.
  8. Protect your skin from direct sunlight and use sunscreen for better protection.
  9. Having an optimal amount of rest and being patient are crucial for results.


  1. It is a very precise process and works accurately on targeted areas.
  2. A detailed definition is given to the body in areas like thighs, abdomen, and buttocks.
  3. As it is an advanced technique the scarring during the treatment is minimal.
  4. Outcomes are natural-looking and are better than the results of any traditional technique.
  5. It provides a visible solution for enhancing contours and achieving a more sculpted look.
  6. The satisfaction of the person is given priority in achieving a defined look.
  7. Results quickly appear of such treatments like this as they are new and have quick recovery time.

Types of High definition body contouring:

  • Vaser Hi-Def Liposculpture: in this procedure ultrasound technology is used to target the specific area that is going to be treated.
  • SmartLipo Triplex: it is laser technology to liquefy fat before it is removed and collagen production is potentially stimulated.
  • Tickle lipo: A vibrator cannula is used during this liposuction to enhance fat removal.
  • Power-Assisted liposuction: In this process a mechanical cannula helps in the removal of the fat and is more controlled by this.


The cost of High Definition Liposculpture in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia ranges for  7,999 SAR to 17,999 SAR which is a reasonable cost as here most advanced techniques are used with the help of expert dermatologists.

Our value proposition:

 You can choose us as we are professionals in our field and here we have expert and professional dermatologists who take care of the hygienic conditions of every individual. We use advanced techniques and have maintained a great record of performing successful surgeries our prices are very reasonable and results are ever-lasting and natural-looking.

Booking an appointment:

Anyone can book an appointment with us by visiting our website on the internet that is Aesthetic Clinic Riyadh here you can discuss your realistic expectations and goals about the treatment and our qualified dermatologists will guide you with the best treatment you can have according to the problem you are having by knowing the skin type you have and the problem you are facing.

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I recently had a fantastic experience at Aesthetic Clinic for their laser skin services. The staff was incredibly knowledgeable and made me feel comfortable throughout the entire process



I cannot speak highly enough of Aesthetic Clinic and their laser skin services. From the initial consultation to the actual treatment



Choosing Aesthetic Clinic for their range of aesthetic services was one of the best decisions Ive made for my self-care routine.


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