Breast Augmentation Surgery in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia Cost

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia at Aesthetic Clinic is performed to reshape, re-shape, and enhance the breast of the patient by transferring fat from unwanted areas to the wanted areas like this. Mostly this fat is extracted from the thighs and areas like the lower abdomen but before having treatments like this some medical tests are going to be done and according to the results, the procedure will be started. local anesthesia is used to make it comfortable for the patient. Here we consistently give the most reasonable prices with the best results because of our well-experienced and qualified doctors. This treatment has two types. It is a modern treatment with minimum scarring and instant results. During the surgery methods like liposuction are used.

What is breast augmentation?

It is a surgically performed cosmetic procedure to improve the patient’s overall appearance by grafting the extracted fat from thighs and areas like the lower abdomen. In this procedure, a general amount of local anesthesia is used to make the procedure comfortable for the patient. It has two types a) Breast implants and b) Fat transfer augmentation. Such treatments are performed by liposuctions after this treatment confidence of the patient is enhanced and an increase in self-esteem is seen. It is done to have some modifications in the size and shape of the breast. This treatment is getting popular day by day because of its instant and desired results but before having treatments like this, have yourself medically checked to see whether you are healthy enough for such procedures.

The course of action:

First of all, before having any kind of modification or restoration on your body, always get an opinion from a well-qualified, professional, and experienced surgeon as he will guide you by looking at your medical history, your test reports, and the problem that you are willing to solve. Then you will be guided with pre-operative instructions to get ready for the procedure. Once the procedure starts you will be injected with local anesthesia and after that incisions are going to be made on the targeted area to get the procedure started then in the submuscular tissues the breast implantment will be made the tissues going to be rearranged in case of improving the shape of the breasts then the incisions are good going to be closed with the with dissolve stitches to prevent scarring. It only takes about 2 hours to get the procedure completed. After that, the patient will only have to attend the appointments and follow the post-operative measures properly to get the optimistic results which will surprise him.


After this procedure, there will be improvement in the size, shape, and texture of the breasts of the patient as the results are going to be astonishing. According to the goals of the patient, results will fulfill the price paid to us

Breast Augmentation Surgery in riyadh Best Breast Augmentation Surgery clinic in riyadh Best Breast Augmentation Surgery cost in Riyadh

best Breast Augmentation Surgery in riyadh Breast Augmentation Surgery cost in riyadh Breast Augmentation Surgery Clinic Riyadh

Healing Instructions:

  • Keep yourself hydrated and drink as much water as possible for optimal results.
  • Have a proper amount of rest and sleep in a proper posture instructed by the doctor.
  • Avoid smoking and quit alcohol consumption to let your body produce good results.
  • Wear comfortable, flexible, and supportive clothes to avoid irritation and pain.
  • Consume a proper diet that has all the necessary nutrients required by the body.
  • Avoid performing activities like jumping, hanging, and dancing.
  • Keep your incisions monitored and if you observe any unusual signs contact your doctor.
  • Clean the area without harsh chemicals.
  • Gently massage the area to let the tissues recover more easily.


  • The breast of the patient is reshaped and resized to improve the appearance.
  • There will be a boost in the confidence of the patient.
  • Wear flexible clothes that are comfortable for you to carry and provide symmetry.
  • Volume and evenness of the breasts will also be restored.
  • Results are natural-looking and ever-lasting if your healing instructions are followed.
  • It has a very positive effect on relationships as it also improves satisfaction.
  • It has instant results better than the expectations of the patients.
  • Amendments to the treatment can be made according to the desires and goals of the patient.

 Options for breast augmentation:

It has many types, some of which are given below.

  • Fat transfer breast augmentation: in this fat is going to be harvested from one part of the body and is going to be grafted on the breasts.
  • Composite implantment: in this, a silicone gel is going to be mixed with soy soil and then is going to be used for modification and restoration.

Cost of Breast Augmentation in Riyadh:

The Cost of Breast Augmentation Surgery in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia varies from SAR 20,000 and it takes only 2 hours to complete this procedure and results take about 6-12 to appear properly.

What makes us prominent?

Here we provide the most advanced techniques for any kind of treatment the patient is seeking. Hygienic conditions are maintained by our staff and by the doctors to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible consistently. We are providing successful and desired results to everyone.


Abstain from smoking or intake of alcohol. On the other hand, do not sleep on your stomach to avoid any pain.

The recovery from any surgery takes six months to a year to completely get back to normal.

The patient can wear compression bras, or a push-up bra after a week.

After 8 weeks to 2 months, the breasts will soften and it will be difficult to tell if you have a breast lift.

Getting an opinion:

Anyone can consult with us by visiting our website on the internet that is Aesthetic Clinic Riyadh where you can talk with our doctors about the realistic goals and expectations of the treatment you are willing to have.

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