Chin Reduction in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia Chin Augmentation

An integral element in gender recognition is the chin, which exhibits significant variations between males and females. Individuals who perceive their chins as disproportionately large in relation to their other facial features often opt for Chin Reduction in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia. This procedure involves reshaping the bone and tissues, achieved through either trimming or resulting the fat pad. The objective of this cosmetic surgery is to create a more pleasing contour for the face. In some cases, modifications to the upper or lower jaw may also be recommended. Commonly referred to as metroplasty or genioplasty, this surgical procedure aims to enhance facial harmony by creating a more balanced appearance of facial features.

What is Chin Reduction?

It’s among the most prevalent cosmetic surgeries designed to transform your chin and achieve a harmonious facial appearance, often resulting in a v-line-shaped face. Individuals experiencing embarrassment due to an irregularly shaped chin find this procedure to be an ideal solution. The irregularities may stem from genetic factors or aging, leading to the development of a loose, saggy chin.

This treatment has garnered popularity among those seeking a contoured facial structure. Notably, many celebrities also opt for this procedure to attain their desired looks.

What are the Objectives of Chin Reduction?

The objectives of Chin Reduction include:

  1. Size Reduction: It aims to reduce the size of a prominent or large chin.
  2. Facial Harmony: The procedure seeks to provide a harmonious balance to facial features.
  3. Jawline Definition: It aims to define the jawline, enhancing overall facial aesthetics.
  4. Neckline Refinement: The procedure also contributes to refining the neckline for a more sculpted appearance.

How Does it Work?

Chin Reduction in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia operates by eliminating excess and unnecessary bone beneath the chin, which contributes to a wide appearance. Additionally, stubborn fatty tissues, resistant to intensive workouts or specific chin exercises, are also removed during the procedure. The surgeon manually conducts the removal of excess bone, employing precise surgical methods to reduce the size of the chin bone.


The surgical procedure involves the following steps:

  • The surgeon creates an incision either under the chin or inside the mouth.
  • Through this incision, a portion of the jawline bone is removed.
  • After the excess bone is removed, the chin is reshaped.
  • Plates and wires may be utilized by the surgeon for effective reshaping.
  • The incision is then closed with either dissolvable or removable stitches, depending on the patient’s and doctor’s preference.
  • A bandage is applied by the doctor to the sutured area to prevent infection and excessive bleeding.

The choice of stitches typically leans towards dissolvable ones for this procedure.


The outcome of the procedure enhances the chin’s appearance by reducing its size, creating a flat, slim, and defined look. This contributes to an overall slimmer and healthier appearance for the individual. The combination of a more sculpted jawline and a firmer neckline further strengthens the person’s overall aesthetic appeal.

Chin Reduction in Riyadh Best Chin Reduction in Riyadh Chin Reduction Clinic Riyadh

Chin Reduction cost in riyadh Best Chin Reduction cost in Riyadh Best Chin Reduction Clinic in Riyadh


  • Excess bone is removed from the chin area
  • The procedure reshapes the chin and improves its appearance
  • The appearance of a wide chin is eliminated
  • Makes you feel better about your new look
  • Improves the overall appearance of the face
  • The side view of the face is improved
  • Corrects a disproportionately larger chin
  • The treatment is very effective and safe to do
  • The results of the procedure are guaranteed
  • Refines facial definition and contour

Technique We Use:

The Reduction of Chin procedure typically requires 1-3 hours in the operating room and is performed under general anesthesia. The treatment involves the following steps:

  1. The surgeon accesses the chin bone as the initial step.
  2. Small incisions are made inside the mouth and beneath the chin.
  3. The excess bone is removed, and the chin is resized and reshaped.
  4. Discarded bone is utilized for proper sculpting and contouring.
  5. The tissues and muscles of the chin are remolded to achieve the desired shape.
  6. In the final step, sutures and metal clips are used to close the created incisions.
  7. In some cases, liposuction may also be performed.

Recovery of Chin Reduction:

After the surgery, your chin will be dressed, and bandages and drains may be used if necessary. Minor side effects such as redness, swelling, soreness, and bruising are common. Your doctor will prescribe pain medications for immediate comfort. A detailed post-care plan will be provided to ensure proper recovery:

  • Avoid strenuous activities for several weeks.
  • Liquid and soft foods are usually recommended.
  • You can return to your daily routine after a week.
  • Avoid operating a car or heavy machinery for 48 hours.

Price of Chin Reduction in Riyadh

The cost of chin reduction in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia typically ranges from 1000 SAR to 7000 SAR. However, the actual cost may vary based on several factors. The real price will be determined during the initial consultation with the surgeon.

Factors affecting cost:

  • Name and location of the clinic.
  • Number of sessions required.
  • The treatment method is chosen by the surgeon.
  • Experience and qualifications of the surgeon.


By injecting general anesthesia, the treatment is minimally invasive.

Yes, chin reduction procedure is safe to get.

The patient feels nauseous and dizzy after the treatment because of anesthesia.

It is possible to perform surgery before the age of 18 or more. 

Why choose us?

The face is the most prominent feature of your body. Whether you’re dealing with an unevenly shaped chin or seeking a solution for facial imbalance, we’ve got you covered at our clinic. Consider fixing this concern with Chin Reduction Surgery. If you’re interested in understanding the details of the procedure, don’t hesitate to consult the Aesthetic Clinic Riyadh for information on Chin Reduction Surgery in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia.


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