Hair Transplant Cost in Riyadh

Hair loss is a common concern affecting people of all ages and genders. It plays a crucial role in one’s appearance, and many face significant hair thinning or baldness due to various factors. Thanks to technological advancements, the most remarkable solution is a hair transplant.

Advanced technology has revolutionized hair regrowth through transplant procedures. Say goodbye to the baldness and hello to a rejuvenated appearance. 

Dermatologists transfer hair from donor areas on the sides or back of the head to bald areas. If you’re considering a hair transplant, choose Aesthetic Clinic for accessible and affordable options for Cheap Hair Transplants Cost in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia.

Read our comprehensive guide to hair transplant costs!

Quick Facts:

  • Cost: 7,599 SAR to 9,999 SAR 
  • Results: Permanent.
  • Treatment: non-surgical and surgical.
  • Recovery: 5 to 7 days.
  • Time of procedure: 5 to 8 hours
  • Duration of Remedy: Minimal
  • Success Rate: 85 – 95%
  • Anesthesia: local and general

Hair Transplant:

A Hair Transplant is a surgical technique involving the relocation of hair follicles from one body area to a patient’s scalp or face. 

The source area for follicle extraction is termed the donor site, while the area on the scalp or face where the follicles are implanted is referred to as the recipient site.

Techniques of the hair transplant

There are two main techniques used for hair transplantation.

  • Follicular unit transplantation

FUT involves removing a strip of scalp from the donor site and dividing it into grafts to be transplanted into the recipient site. This technique is usually less expensive compared to FUE.

  • Follicular unit extraction 

FUE involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor site and implanting them into the recipient site. This technique is considered more advanced and less invasive, resulting in faster recovery time and minimal scarring. However, FUE can be more expensive due to the time-consuming nature of extracting individual grafts..


Investing in a Female Hair Transplant goes beyond just restoring your hair. It comes with several advantages:

  • Enhanced Confidence: A fuller head of hair can work wonders for your self-confidence, making you feel more at ease and self-assured about your appearance.
  • Natural Appearance: Thanks to modern hair transplant techniques, the results look entirely natural and seamlessly blend with your existing hair, avoiding any awkward or obvious differences.
  • Long-Term Solution: Female Hair Transplants provide a lasting solution to hair loss, reducing the need for constant upkeep or temporary fixes, which can be a relief for those seeking a more permanent resolution.
  • Quick Recovery: The recovery period following a Female Hair Transplant is relatively short, allowing you to return to your daily routine without extensive downtime.
  • Low Maintenance: You can treat your transplanted hair just like your natural hair, with minimal special care required. This means you can style and manage it as you normally would without any extra hassle.

Is Hair Transplant permanent?

Hair transplants are typically considered a permanent solution since the transplanted follicles originate from areas that are resistant to hair loss. While patients may continue to experience hair loss in other regions of their scalp or face, the recipient site remains unaffected. Initially, the transplanted hair sheds after surgery, but it regrows within approximately six months. Surgeons often prescribe medications to fortify hair follicles and prevent the loss of non-transplanted hair following the procedure.

Best Hair Transplant Cost in Riyadh Hair Transplant Cost in Riyadh Best Hair Transplant Cost Clinic in Riyadh

Hair Transplant Cost in Riyadh Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Riyadh Best Hair Transplant Cost in Riyadh

Hair transplant cost in Riyadh: :

The Cost of Hair Transplant in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, varies and is not fixed, as several factors can influence the final expense. The exact price will be determined during the initial consultation with the hair surgeon. On average, however, the cost typically falls within the range of 7,599 SAR to 9,999 SAR.

How much do 2000 grafts cost?

Hair Transplants of around 2000 grafts roughly equate to approximately 2000 individual hair strands. The cost for a procedure involving 2000 grafts typically falls within the range of 5000 SAR to 5999 SAR. The cost of a 2000 graft hair transplant in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia isn’t significantly different from that of a 4000 graft or 3000 graft procedure. This is because many hair transplant clinics in Riyadh provide comprehensive packages that encompass the transplantation of the maximum number of grafts.

4000 & 5000 Hair Graft Cost

Obtaining 4000 or 5000 hair grafts isn’t typically achievable in a single FUE session; it may require multiple sessions employing FUE and FUT techniques. Esteemed hair transplant specialists often charge higher fees compared to standard practitioners. It’s worth noting that not everyone requires 4000 or 5000 grafts; some patients find that 3000 grafts suffice, resulting in lower costs.

Opting for 4000 or 5000 hair grafts in a hair transplant offers the best chance for attractive, natural-looking, and permanent results. Each graft carries a specific cost based on the number of sessions required. Achieving 5000 hair grafts in a single session is generally not feasible; patients typically need 4 to 5 sessions as per the doctor’s recommendation. Some clinics may claim to perform 5000 grafts in one session, but in reality, they often complete the transplant with only 3500-4000 grafts. A practitioner must possess the necessary expertise to execute a 5000-graft procedure successfully.

How much does 6000 grafts cost in Riyadh?

Range 7000 SAR – 9999 SAR The cost of a hair transplant operation with 6,000 grafts in Riyadh generally ranges from 7000 SAR – 999 SAR. Fortunately, experienced hair transplant teams in Riyadh offer very good prices compared to other clinics in Europe, the USA, and the UAE. This process can be costly because it requires expertise.

Are 8000 Grafts enough for the hair thickness?

As per the candidate’s specific features, the degree of hair thinning, the thickness of the donor area, and the desired coverage location, different quantities of grafts are needed for the method. In some possibilities, 8000 grafts are acquired to attain the expected coverage and thickness.

Factors of Hair Transplant Cost

  • Experienced Surgeon Fee:

The choice of an experienced hair transplant surgeon can significantly impact your overall cost. Expertise plays a crucial role in achieving successful results, and the fees reflect the value of their skill and experience. During your initial consultation, you have the opportunity to select the surgeon best suited to your needs.

  • Location and Reputation Of The Clinic:

Traveling from one city to another for treatment incurs additional expenses, as it involves transportation costs. Additionally, considering the reputation of the clinic you choose can also influence your overall expenses.

  • Type of Procedure:

The expense also depends on the method of procedure, different hair transplant methods have different cost rates so when you choose a suitable method for your treatment, make sure about the cost. The Hair Transplant Cost in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia in 2022 is different as compared to previous years.

  • Anesthesia And Other Medication:

Sometimes, few candidates need a light level of local anesthesia and few of them need more due to pain and irritation. Another, after the treatment, pain medication is required for the recovery period, anti-inflammatory medicine to manage swelling if it appears on the treated area and a few antibiotics to reduce the risk of any minor infection. Whereas, if the infections occur then it is necessary to treat it. It is a potential additional expense that will affect your cost of treatment.

  • Tests And Medical Reports If Required:

Before proceeding with any procedure, your healthcare provider will need to conduct basic tests and review medical reports to identify the underlying cause of your hair loss. The cost of the overall treatment may be influenced by these initial diagnostic tests.

Why Choose Us?

The Aesthetic Clinic offers a charming, comfortable environment staffed by skilled professionals and certified physicians who prioritize your health and comfort.

 When it comes to hair transplantation, we excel in providing meticulous care and adhering to stringent safety measures. 

Our commitment is to deliver top-notch treatment at an affordable average cost for hair transplants, all while upholding quality and reliability for your convenience.


The duration of the method depends on the severity of hair loss and the number of follicles that are transplanted. Standardly, the procedure takes about 4 to 8 hours to complete.

Most candidates can typically resume work and other activities within a week following the treatment. However, the duration of the entire recovery process may vary depending on the candidate and the extent of the treatment, ranging from several weeks to even a few months.  

This method is mainly done under local anesthesia to numb the scalp and make the candidate comfortable. Therefore, the candidate will not notice any pain.

The results of this method are permanent because the transplanted hair follicles resist baldness

The hairs begin to take on a natural appearance and will continue to grow for a lifetime.

Hair transplant surgery is always safe when performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon

The average Cost of a Hair Transplant is 6999 SAR, though some plastic surgeons can charge as high as 9999 SAR. 

The donor area is limited as only 1500-4000 grafts can be harvested safely in a single transplant session. 

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is an innovative hair transplant technique. 

Schedule Your Appointment:

When it comes to seeking such a procedure, the Aesthetic Clinic is your destination of choice. We stand out as a state-of-the-art facility with a certified dermatologist on our team.

 Our ability to perform the procedure at a reasonable cost sets us apart, so don’t hesitate to book a complimentary online consultation to benefit from a generous 25% discount. 

The Aesthetic Clinic offers one of the most budget-friendly Hair Transplant Costs in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia, making us a top choice in the city


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