Best Botox Underarm in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia Cost

Botox Underarm in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia at Aesthetic Clinic Riyadh is performed to reduce the sweating and hair-growing problems of the patients under the arm which can cause irritation, hesitation, and smell. It is a safe procedure and has fewer potential risks than traditional methods. After such procedures, sweating will be reduced by up to 85%. It also has an incredible downtime of 2-4 days after this treatment results show after 4 to 12 months. It is not a permanent solution to these problems but the results are temporary with one session.  This treatment can also be performed at other parts of the body where the patient is unhappy due to excess sweating. In this treatment general anesthesia is used to make the procedure comfortable for the patient and in these injections, botulinum is used which is a neurotoxin chemical obtained from the bacteria Clostridium Botulinum. This chemical Botox blocks the sensory glands of the body which produce the message of sweating and this treatment is highly accurate in the area where it is performed.

What is Botox Underarm Treatment?

It is a safe and modern treatment to solve your sweating problems which can lead to irritation, smell, and sometimes infections. It is typically performed for solving problems like hyperhidrosis which causes excess sweating. Patients who are eager to solve these problems themselves get this kind of treatment which not only provides optimum results but gives confidence to the patient and also an increase in their self-esteem. This procedure has gained popularity in a short time because of the results given by it with the help of well-qualified and experienced surgeons at Aesthetic Clinic Riyadh. This procedure is completed within 20–to 25 minutes and during this 15 to 20 injections are used some amount of general anesthesia can also be used if the surgery is lengthy. After the treatment, it can also cause redness, irritation, and some pain but these all will disappear after a while for managing pain. Recommended medicines should be taken timely.

Botox Underarm Clinic Riyadh Botox Underarm cost in riyadh Best Botox Underarm in Riyadh

Botox Underarm in Riyadh Best Botox Underarm Clinic in Riyadh Best Botox Underarm cost in Riyadh

The course of action:

First of all, before having any kind of modifications on yourself always consult with a well-qualified, experienced, and professional doctor about it. He will look at your medical history, your overall health and the type of skin you have. After that, you will be prepared for the treatment by cleaning the area that is going to be treated with antiseptics and cotton buds. After this, some general amount of local anesthesia will be injected to make the area numb as it is going to be comfortable for the patient then the marked areas will be treated with precision. It takes 30-45 minutes to complete the procedure, downtime is about 2-4 days and the complete results show within 6 months. After the treatment follows the post-operative measures instructed by the doctor to get the best results of the procedure they will also protect the treated area from infections. Daily observe the area but if you follow any unusual signs consult with your doctor.

Better healing instructions:

  • Restrain from performing harsh exercises which can cause sweating for 24 hours.
  • Keep the area clean with the help of warm water and a soft cloth.
  • Do not consume alcohol as it will make your body heal the treated area.
  • Use arnica to minimize swelling and bruising.
  • Always sleep in a proper position to maintain pressure on the treated area.
  • Keep yourself hydrated and take prescribed medicines regularly.
  • Wear clothes that are easy to carry and do not show irritation and bruising.
  • Do not scratch the area when feeling irritating as it can cause infections.


  • Sweating problems of the person will be reduced by up to 85%.
  • It is a non-surgical procedure so it also does not cause scarring.
  • It is not a lengthy procedure and is completed within 45 minutes.
  • There will be a boost in the confidence of the person and an increase in self-esteem.
  • It has fewer potential risks and more plus points as it is a modern treatment.
  • Life will become easy and now you can wear any kind of fashion wear.
  • It is a budget-friendly procedure and the results are surprisingly good.
  • Some changes in the treatment can be made according to the requirements of the patient 

 Options for Botox underarm treatment:

  • Axillary Hyperhidrosis: it is done to block nerve signals that cause sweating by stimulating glands.
  • Numbing Cream: it is used to chemically peel off the hairs to close the sweating glands.
  • Forehead creases: it is done to remove the lines and wrinkles off the forehead of the patient.
  • Wrinkle remover: it eliminates wrinkles from the areas near the eyes and lips of the person.
  • Cobblestoned: it is done to improve the appearance of the chin by using Botox injections

Cost of Botox Underarm in Riyadh:

The cost of Botox Underarm Treatment in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia varies from SAR 2,500 to SAR 3,000 which is a reasonable cost according to the results provided by our well-qualified and experienced surgeons. It is not very costly according to the results provided by us.

What makes us prominent?

We use the most modern techniques to provide the most accurate and optimum results of the modifications. Our surgeons and the staff maintain hygienic conditions to make the person comfortable during the procedure. We have maintained our standards by continuously giving the best results. It is only because of our well-qualified, experienced, and professional surgeons who are consistently performing surgeries with great results.


Armpit Botox injections can reduce underarm sweating by 80%.

No, you should avoid showering during the day of your treatment upto 12 hours following the treatment.

You should not shave your underarms or use deodorant before the procedure.

It usually requires about 2 to 4 treatment sessions to work.

Getting an opinion:

Here one can book an appointment or get opinions from our doctors and surgeons by visiting our website on the internet that is Aesthetic Clinic Riyadh where you can discuss your realistic expectations and goals about the treatment you are willing to have. They will guide you with the treatment you can have for yourself according to your skin type and the problem currently being faced by you.

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