Facelift Surgery Cost in Riyadh

Do you want to turn back the hands of time? Let’s know about the facelift surgery in Riyadh, it is one of the most famous cosmetic processes which delivers astounding outcomes such as smoothen the wrinkles or tightens the saggy skin. Do not get worried about the cost, read the blog below to understand the Facelift Surgery Cost in Riyadh and Saudi Arabia. 

Explore the price impacts and what to expect from the money you invest. 

What is facelift surgery? 

Facelifts are considered to be an aesthetic restorative operation that cannot transform your appearance or prevent aging signs. They also cannot cure super facial wrinkles, sunburn, skin impurities, and discoloration. Facelifts are very personalized operations that are innovative to each person’s face and their outcomes objectives.

A rhytidectomy also known as facelift surgery refers to any surgical procedure that improves the signs of aging in your facial features or neck by replacing or removing skin fat cells or muscles.

What can it repair? 

  • Relaxed, hanging skin on your face.
  •  Crease lines between your nose and the corner of your lips. 
  • Fat on the face might inhibit the lifting process. 
  • A double chin impression is caused by the loss of skin.
  • Excess fat cells in the neck.

Average cost of facelift surgery 2024: 

As of 2024, the cost of facelift surgery in Riyadh will vary depending on a variety of factors. The cost might vary depending on the services provided by the clinic, the expertise of the doctors, the type of facelift performed, and other factors. The pricing fluctuates between 32,000 SAR and 40,000 SAR. To acquire a precise cost estimate, we recommend visiting our clinic and obtaining breakdown pricing data.

Factors influencing the cost: 

Types of facelift: 

There are different types of the facelift procedure. The price for the surgery is different from the other non invasive procedure. Some of the estimate of the techniques are mentioned below: 

Type of technique  TimeDiscounted cost
Mini facelift30-40 minutes19,999 SAD-29,999 SAR
Mid facelift30 minutes14999 SAR-19999 SAR
Cheek lift20 minutes9999 SAR-19,999 SAR
Jawline rejuvenation 15 minutes 4999 SAR-12999 SAR
S-lift30 minutes24999 SAR- 34999 SAR
Temporal or brow lift 20 minutes9999 SAR- 14999 SAR
Liquid facelift30-40 minutes4999 SAR-14999 SAR.

Area of treatment: 

The price for the different areas are changed due to the different techniques used to correct the issue. 

Area Technique
FaceSMAS facelift
Neck Platysmaplasty
Eye browEndoscopic brow lift 

Anesthesia charges: 

The cost for anesthesia types varies depending on the requirement for a patient. 

Type of anesthesia Cost after discount
Local anesthesia 2999 SAR-4999 SAR
General anesthesia7999 SAR- 11,999 SAR

Post operational care: 

The below are the charges after the surgery.

Care typePrice
Follow up visitsYes, included
Lymphatic massage 19,99 SAR
Compression garments499SAR

Experience of the doctor: 

Experienced, board-certified, and well trained surgeons typically charge more for their services than less experienced practitioners. Although greater costs do not necessarily imply higher service quality, you can expect to pay a premium for high-quality care.


  • Removes unnecessary facial skin.
  • Makes your face seem younger.
  • Tightens underlying skin tissues.
  • Reduces sagging cheeks around the jawline. Removes wrinkles and lifts the corners of the lips. 
  • Eliminates jowls that form in the cheeks and jaws. 

Reverses the adverse effects of time by Booking us! 

Hurry up and fill out the form at Aesthetic Clinic Riyadh to rejuvenate your skin and discover the final facelift surgery cost in Riyadh and Saudi Arabia now.


No, the cost is separate from the consultation.

Yes, it delivers the younger appearance results. 

Yes, it is for the people who have saggy skin. 

Yes, you can reduce the cost by choosing a less experienced doctor for the procedure. 


Dr.Nibras Sufeian AlDoori
DR. Mohamad Sameer Alsalih
Dr. Hani Al Mozawer

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