Hair Transplant in Riyadh

Get your hair back, revitalized, and experience Natural-looking growth!

Are you tired of dealing with hair loss? Look no further, this is a unique and ultimate solution for hair loss and baldness. It also thickens the hair. Let’s unlock the confidence with us. Say hello to lush locks and thick hair and bid farewell to the thin hair. Transform your looks with us. We are here to provide a comprehensive guide on Hair Transplant in Riyadh.  Learn about it and have the amazing perks right away. 

Our expert hair surgeons are here to help you restore confidence and attain desirable results with the utmost care and expertise. Read below to learn more about the procedure, cost, and techniques. 

Quick Facts:

  • Cost: 6,950 SAR to 15,550 SAR. 
  • Success rate: 97% is the pass rate.
  • Results: Permanent.
  • Target: Scarring alopecia, Female pattern baldness, Hair loss due to trauma, Patchy beard growth. 
  • Time: Instantly in 4 to 8 hours.
  • Recovery: Time goes from 4 to 5 days.
  • Type of Procedure: Minimally invasive to surgical.
  • Exercise: After two weeks.
  • Downtime: 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Back to work: After two weeks. 
  • Causes: Alopecia Areata, Medical conditions, Environmental factors, Changes in hormones, Emotional or physical stress, or Constantly wearing tight hairstyles. 
  • Gender: Both male and female.
  • Sexual activities: After 4 weeks.
  • Hospital stay: One day.
  • Shower: After 3 weeks.
  • Performs by: Surgeon.

What is a Hair Transplant? 

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that relocates hair from areas of the scalp with hair to spots where the hair is thinning or completely gone. This is often sought by people who have already attempted other methods to address Hair loss. The procedure is carried out by dermatologists (medical professionals specializing in skin) or plastic surgeons (experts in reconstructive surgeries) skilled in this field.

Type of the technique: 

The treatment can be done by using the FUE (Follicular unit extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) hair transplant techniques which are commonly used. These are described as:

  • FUT hair transplant: 

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) involves surgically removing a strip of scalp with hair follicles from a donor area and implanting it into areas with hair loss. After trimming and cleansing the donor area and administering local anesthesia, the strip is dissected into individual follicular units and injected into recipient sites. While FUT allows for transplanting many grafts in one session, it leaves a linear scar in the donor area, which may be a concern for those preferring shorter hairstyles.

  • FUE hair transplant: 

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a minimally invasive hair restoration technique where hair follicles are individually extracted from a donor area, usually the back or sides of the scalp, and transplanted to areas experiencing hair loss. The process starts with trimming the donor site and applying local anesthesia to both the donor and recipient areas for pain management. A small, circular tool is then used to carefully remove each hair follicle from the donor region. These follicles are meticulously prepared and then implanted into the thinning or bald areas, providing a natural appearance without leaving a noticeable linear scar, unlike older methods such as Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT).

  • Robotic hair transplant: 

It uses robotic machines that assist surgeons in locating donor site harvesting and transplantation of hair follicles. The robot contains a camera and tools that can locate and obtain individual hair follicles from the donor area to the injected area. These donor follicles promote new hairs. The robotic system is used to increase the accuracy by locating precisely donor follicles which reduces the chances of trauma to the scalp and human risk error.


Hair transplantation is a safe process that has less risk and more success ratio, the succession rate is 90-94%. It is a secure process when performed by highly skilled and experienced surgeons. After the surgery, one cannot be bald ever again which makes this procedure effective. It takes a minimum time of 6 months to 12 months for the total results of hair transplantation.

Hair Transplant in Riyadh , Jeddah And Saudi ArabiaHair Transplant in Riyadh , Jeddah And Saudi ArabiaHair Transplant in Riyadh , Jeddah And Saudi Arabia

Hair Transplant in Riyadh , Jeddah And Saudi Arabia         Hair Transplant in Riyadh , Jeddah And Saudi Arabia         Hair Transplant in Riyadh , Jeddah And Saudi Arabia

Causes of Hair Loss:

There can be various causes of hair loss, however, some of which are as follows:

  • Illness
  • Aging
  • Hereditary
  • Pregnancy
  • Scalp infection
  • Alopecia areata
  • Medical conditions
  • Environmental factors
  • Changes in hormones
  • Emotional or physical stress
  • Constantly wearing tight hairstyles

What can it treat? 

Generally, a hair transplant is an easy option for candidates who have severe hair loss. Some of the primary conditions that it can treat are mentioned below: 

  1. Scarring alopecia 
  2. Female pattern baldness 
  3. Hair loss due to trauma 
  4. Patchy beard growth 

What are the Benefits?

This process is associated with several benefits, some of which are as follows:

  • Minimal scarring.
  • Cost-effective.
  • No linear scars.
  • Safe and effective.
  • It is almost painless.
  • Minimally invasive.
  • Faster recovery time.
  • permanent and natural-looking results.
  • It can treat different forms of hair loss.
  • Higher success and low-risk
  • Boosts and produces hair growth
  • Boosts confidence level
  • The permanent solution to hair loss
  • Quick recovery
  • Has no Side effects, unlike other surgeries.

Who are the Best Candidates?

The ideal candidates for the treatment are as follows:

  • Must be in good health.
  • Have a stable hair loss pattern.
  • Sufficient donor hair.
  • Not breastfeeding or pregnant.
  • Must have practical assumptions.
  • Adequate scalp laxity.
  • Willing to follow aftercare.
  • Must be above 30 years old.

Different types of procedures: 

The different types of procedures are used such as FUE, FUT, and robotic hair transplant: 

The procedure of FUE hair transplant: 

  • This involves shaving hair on the sides of the head to extract the hair follicles from the scalp. Each follicle will leave a little mark when it is extracted. 
  • The doctor next makes tiny holes in the region where hair is needed and then transplants hair follicles into those incisions. They next use dressings or linen to cover the wound site.

The procedure of FUT hair transplant: 

  • The surgeon extracts a strip of scalp, generally from the sides of the head, or the back with a scalpel that is 6 to 10 inches in length.
  • Each chunk contains 4 to 5 hair follicles.  The doctor next prepares the recipient area and inserts the prepared follicles into the scalp. They will then use dressings to treat the surgery wounds.

The procedure of the robotic hair transplant: 

  • This is a very advanced technique that uses special machinery to take out the individual hair follicles from the donor area.
  • This method’s precision is much higher than the other two manual techniques as in those there is a chance of human error. 
  • Artificial intelligence is used to create natural-looking results by first creating a 3D model of the patient. 

When can the candidate see the results? 

Days  Results 
Day 1  The targeted area will appear dark red 
Day 10 The treatment area is crusted, swollen, and brownish
Day 15 Scabs begin to fall off & redness fades
Day 25 The difference between the untouchable & transplanted area is hardly visible
1 Month  Hair starts to grow
2 Months Results are visible


Before the method, the candidates must follow the instructions below to go through a safe procedure and attain desirable results.

  • Have a word with the expert.
  • Share your detailed medical history.
  • Refrain from taking blood thinners.
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol.
  • Wear comfortable clothes.
  • Do not cut your hair.
  • Keep the scalp clean.

Difference between FUE and FUT techniques: 

See the table below: 

Characteristic  FUT Hair Transplant FUE Hair Transplant
Harvesting technique  The doctor removes the scalp strip from the donor area, to extract the hair follicles. The follicular units are extracted one by one using a micro-punch tool into the donor area.
Recovery Time It lasts for a longer time. Long enduring results. 
Transplant Size This technique is Suitable for larger transplant sizes. Suitable for smaller transplant hair sizes.
Scars level  A linear scar may be present in the donor area, which may be visible if the hair is cut short. Minimal scarring in the donor area, tiny dot-like scars that are barely visible.
Severity of pain It is a surgical process but the pain goes away with the anesthesia.  Generally, it gives less pain due to the less invasive nature of the procedure.
Donor Area Usually limited to the back and sides of the scalp where hair is thicker. Can be performed on any part of the body where hair follicles can be found, but most commonly on the back of the scalp.
Downtime They can recover in about one to two weeks.  It contains minimal downtime, most people can return to work within a few days.

Step-by-step procedure: 

A hair transplant is an invasive process that permanently solves hair loss. 

  1. The scalp of the patient is numbed by using general or local anesthesia as required. The doctor may apply general anesthesia if necessary and the applied anesthesia will minimize the pain during the surgery. 
  2. The follicles will be collected from the back of the scalp which is the donor area.
  3. Then these collected follicles are placed into a device. 
  4. The hair follicles are inserted into the scalp of the patient by using the device.
  5. Every follicle of your hair is inserted with extreme care to avoid any complications after the treatment and to maximize the results from the treatment.

Aftercare instructions: 

After the surgery, the individuals are recommended to follow the below instructions to attain optional and durable results.

  • Wash your scalp gently.
  • Keep the scalp clean and moisturized.
  • Protect the scalp from sun exposure.
  • Avoid performing physical activities.
  • Do not smoke or drink.
  • Avoid hot baths.
  • Wear comfortable clothes.

Cost of Hair Transplant in Riyadh:

The Price of a Hair Transplant in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia varies from 6,950 SAR to 15,550 SAR. However, this is not the total cost as some factors will impact the real cost. The cost of the surgery depends on the areas of surgery, the experience of the doctor, and the number of sessions required. However, the candidates are required to meet the Hair Transplant Surgeon to learn about the fixed cost. 

Estimated cost table: 

Anyhow, below in the table is mentioned the estimated price according to the required grafts.

Number of hair Grafts Estimated Cost Range
1500 grafts 1500 SAR to 1800 SAR
2500 grafts 2000 SAR to 2200 SAR 
3000 grafts 2200 SAR to 2500 SAR 
4000 grafts 2500 SAR to 3000 SAR
5000 grafts 3000 SAR to 4000 SAR
10,000 grafts 4000 SAR to 5000 SAR


Factors Impacting Cost:

The following are the factors that can change the final price: 

  • The extent of the baldness. 
  • The total number of grafts required for each candidate.
  • Type of procedure.
  • Duration of the method.
  • Surgeon skills and expertise.
  • Clinic name and location.
  • Anesthesia charges.

Recovery period:

After the procedure, the candidate may observe a little swelling, pain, and redness. However, the candidate must not panic as this is minimal and will subside by taking the prescribed medications within a few days or a few weeks.


The downtime may be around one to two months after the procedure. It may also take up to two months for some people. However, the result of the procedure is the thickening of the hair in the treated area. 

Why choose an Aesthetic clinic in Riyadh? 

The doctors and surgeons at our Clinic are highly qualified and trained professionals. Using the latest technology and modern techniques, we provide the best aesthetic treatments. The clinic’s well-trained staff ensures that the patients are comfortable and satisfied with the treatments.

Moreover, We provide a friendly environment that makes every clinic visit enjoyable. Our patient-centered approach ensures the best treatments with guaranteed results.

Live a better life confidently!

Fill out the below form to book us right away at Aesthetic Clinic Riyadh with the best hair transplant surgeon. We assure to deliver you the best and the most desirable results. Get the cost plan by clicking on the form below. 


Hair transplant surgery is always safe when performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon.

The average cost of a hair transplant is 6999 SAR, though some plastic surgeons can charge as high as 9999 SAR. 

The donor area is limited as only 1500-4000 grafts can be harvested safely in a single transplant session. 

The success rate is about 80-95%.

The candidate should take rest for about three to four days. 

Yes, it enhances the confidence. 

Yes, it is the most advanced technique used to grow the hair again. 

No, pregnant women should avoid hair transplants. 

Yes, the results look natural. 

The candidates are advised to perform the sexual activities after 3 weeks of the procedure. 

The hair should be washed after 48 hours of the surgery. 

No, the candidate should avoid wearing caps for about seven days. 

The alternative treatment option against hair transplant includes PRP therapy, scalp micro pigmentation, or low-level laser therapy. 

No, This procedure is primarily performed under local anesthesia to ensure the scalp is numbed, providing the candidate with comfort. As a result, the candidate will not experience any pain.

The duration of the method depends on the severity of hair loss and the number of follicles that are transplanted. Standardly, the procedure takes about 4 to 8 hours to complete.

The candidates may need about two to three weeks to recover from this process. 

Yes, The results of this method are permanent because the transplanted hair follicles resist baldness. 

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