Rhinoplasty surgery in Jeddah

Capturing and posting selfies is a favorite hobby nowadays. There are filters introduced on social media platforms. A million filters to choose from. These filters allow us to transform our appearances according to our likes. Naturally, when you compare your real self to your picture-perfect personality. You find flaws. And you wish to yourself if only there was a way you could look the same in real life too. 

The way you look on your social media platforms. Lucky for you, our Plastic Surgeons, offer a wide variety of facial-enhancing treatments. The most common treatment people opt for is a Rhinoplasty surgery in Jeddah 

If you wish to make any changes to your nose too. Read the guide below. We have gathered an adequate amount of information for you to learn everything you need to know about

Quick Facts

  • Cost: 22000 SAR to 25000 SAR
  • Results: Permanent
  • Downtime: The downtime is 5 days
  • Back to Work: after one week
  • Duration of Treatment: one to 3 hours
  • Type of Procedure: Surgical

What is a Rhinoplasty?

It involves a Medical Procedure. But how people approach it, can also be called a Cosmetic Procedure. Rhinoplasty can be classified into two main categories. One is for the augmentation of the bridge of the nose. Another is for the structural support inside the nose.


The benefits of this procedure are mentioned below: 

  • Reduce the nose size 
  • Reshapes the nose 
  • Helps in breathing 
  • Fixes the other abnormalities 
  • Enhances the overall feature of the face 
  • Boosts the confidence 

How Does it Work?

There are many variations of the process. Thus not everyone is a good fit for surgical techniques. 

The process is dependable and painless. It also works under general anesthesia. Your needs determine if the treatment is appropriate for you. The process carries some risks. A split arises within the nose or across the columella. The skin covering the bone and cartilage will also change the aperture. Additionally, it enables the surgeon to make the required adjustments. The doctor modifies or removes bone. to fix the aberrant nasal arch. Bone and cartilage or remove

Rhinoplasty surgery in Jeddah Rhinoplasty surgery in Jeddah Rhinoplasty surgery in Jeddah Rhinoplasty surgery in Jeddah Rhinoplasty surgery in Jeddah Rhinoplasty surgery in Jeddah


A step-by-step guide to the Rhinoplasty procedure.

  • A closed Rhinoplasty technique will not leave any visible scars on the tips of the nose.
  • The structure of the bone contains nasal bone. Upper Alar Cartilage, Lower Alar Cartilage, and Nasal Septum in the middle. Under local anesthesia, the Upper and Lower Alar Cartilage will be relocated from the middle part. 
  • The nasal hump will be removed without a hammer. With the help of special equipment. Following this process, the nasal bridge will be rasped. Meaning cut open. 
  • After when the hump is removed from the nasal bridge. The right and left sides of the Septum will be cut vertically. Then the double-sided cuts will be made horizontally. Inside the Nasal bone. 
  • To achieve an aesthetic side view, the Upper side of the Lower Alar wing will be removed. 
  • After this step, Cartilage is taken out from the Sepum. To be relocated at either side of the Upper Septum.
  • The vertical Cartilage graph is placed on the nose tip. And lower Alar Cartilage is shaped with stitches. Thus, the looseness of nose tips, in the A-symmetric nostrils is fixed. 
  • Cuts on the nose tips will be closed by the dissolvable stitches. Therefore, there will be no need to remove these stitches. For the final touch of the aesthetic formation, the lower sides of the Nasal bones will be cut downwards.
  • Later the gap in the Nasal bridge will be closed by pushing both sides. 
  • This is for the support in the internal structure of the middle line. Silicon reflects are placed in both nostrils. 
  • In the end, skin-colored special Nasal strips are applied. This is the finalization of the surgery. Placing Thermoplastic Splint on the Nasal bridge. 
  • You are shown the before and after results of your nose.

Aftercare instructions: 

The instructions that are provided after the process are as follows: 

  • The patient should raise their head for some time 
  • Apply the tape on the nose area 
  • Do not rub or blow your nose 
  • Take the painkillers provided by the doctor 


The patient can recover in about 2 to 3 weeks. To get the instant recovery follow the instructions for some time. 


The cost of the procedure is not the same for every individual. It may vary between 22000 SAR to 25000 SAR. this cost may be affected by other factors such as the condition of the nose, the expertise of the doctor, and the location of the clinic. 


Yes, it is a safe procedure without any long-term complications 

The cost may vary between 22000 SAR to 25000 SAR

You can recover from the surgery in about 2 to 3 weeks or one month. 

The possible side effects of this procedure include the bleeding, swelling, and the infection chances 

Yes the patient may notice a slight in their voice after the procedure 

Yes, there is a downtime for about 2 weeks after the method 

Yes, it is helpful to restructure the nose 

Yes, it treats the breathing problems. 

Book us!

Are you interested in getting the perfect shape of your nose? Bok us now at the Aesthetic clinic in Riyadh to get the rhinoplasty surgery in Jeddah. You can come to us by filling out the form or reaching us through WhatsApp. 

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