Hair Transplant in Buraydah & Al Qassim

In today’s era, every person wants to attain nice hair. Hair loss is the very main problem that every woman is facing these days. Back in time, people used to wear hair wigs to cover their baldness but hair extensions are still in use today. This thing not only affects your appearance but also your mental condition. No need to worry as our professional surgeons will give you the best possible Hair Transplant in Buraydah & Al Qassim.

Quick Facts:

  • Duration of treatment: 1-2 hours
  • Results: lasts up to years
  • Cost: 6999 SAR to 13,999 SAR
  • Type: invasive & non-invasive 

What is a Hair Transplant?

Hair Transplant is a surgical treatment in which the natural follicles are extracted from the healthy side of the hair and relocated to empty places. People who are facing hair fall or thinning hairline can get a hair transplant done in a particular area. 

Types of Treatment:

There are many alternatives to hair loss issues including minoxidil. This hair spray is used to stop excessive hair loss or thinning of the hairline. Many other treatments including Hair PRP injections, micro-needling, and laser procedures also help in such hair fall problems. On the other hand, many hair loss treatments are also useful to save hair shedding. Advancements in technology may help everyone with many issues. The best options for Hair Transplant in Buraydah and Al Qassim are:

  • A Follicular Unit Extraction: 

In this procedure, some follicles are extracted from the particular thinning area. The follicles taken out are inserted according to shape and density. The final results are very nice after the wound gets healed.

  • A Follicular Unit Transplant: 

In this type of process, some hair follicles are taken out from the backside of the scalp. Those hairs are then kept for future use for a short time. This is a slow process and takes time to recover.

  • Robotic Hair Transplant:

RHT is done by robotic hand to insert hair follicles into the bald patches. This process is way faster than the other technique.


There are excellent outcomes beyond your expectations of Hair Transplant in Buraydah and Al Qassim. Here you will get to know some of them. This treatment helps in regrowth and relocating hair from the healthy part. The overall outcomes are visible as the final results are flawless. This procedure is accepted by the FDA Standards and it is secure. You should not be concerned about any complications after getting this procedure. For lifetime sustenance, you have to take care of your hair properly. If you want to avail this opportunity then get our treatment done.

Hair Transplant in Buraydah & Al Qassim Hair Transplant in Buraydah & Al Qassim Hair Transplant in Buraydah & Al Qassim Hair Transplant in Buraydah & Al Qassim Hair Transplant in Buraydah & Al Qassim Hair Transplant in Buraydah & Al Qassim


The results of the Hair Transplant in Buraydah and Al Qassim are as under: 

  • It is a secure and effective method for a person.
  • You can make any hair design of your choice.
  • Better than using artificial hair extensions.
  • The Downtime is very less.
  • The healing duration is much less time taking. 
  • Personality is enhanced.
  • Permanent solution for hair fall.
  • The hairline gets improved.

Ideal Candidate:

Before getting into the procedure a candidate should make sure that:

  • Sudden hair loss
  • Want a change in your appearance 
  • People having alopecia and head issues 
  • Hair thinning due to genetics 
  • Medical history is checked 

Pre-care Instructions:

Before undergoing any of the transplant treatments a person should take some pre-care instructions. Some are as under: 

  • Alcohol intake before the treatment should be limited.
  • You should report any skin issue to your surgeon.
  • Keep drinking water for hydration and good health.
  • Avoid eating junk food.
  • If a person is taking blood-related medication then he should get a consultation from their doctor. 
  • Stop taking any kind of antibiotics.

Aftercare directions:

After the transplant treatment t, some of the instructions must be followed:

  • The patient should follow the doctor’s prescription.
  • Try taking good fluids for hydration.
  • Stop taking spices and eat healthy.
  • Refrain from getting into hot places.
  • Be careful while taking a bath.
  • Try to stay at home before the processed area is healed.


After the hair transplant, the wounded area takes less time to heal. The new follicles will come out within a few weeks. The final results are worth it. Hair Transplant doesn’t have any side effects after the process if taken good care of the treated area. Try to make sure that the wound is kept dry at the start. In case of infection head towards the doctor immediately.

Cost of Hair Transplant in Buraydah and Al Qassim:

The Hair Transplant in Buraydah and Al Qassim is being processed in the Aesthetic Clinic to help everyone with hair problems. The cost of the procedure varies from 6999 SAR to 13,999 SAR depending upon many factors.

Factors impacting the cost:

The cost of this treatment depends upon many factors such as,

  • Fee of the specialist
  • Number of total sessions required
  • Place of the clinic 

Best Plastic Surgeon for Hair Transplant in Buraydah and Al Qassim:

This treatment has various functions including hair loss procedure, hairline enhancement a boost in self-confidence, and many more. You can also get our perfect Hair Transplant from our Aesthetic Clinic in Buraydah & Al Qassim. Our professional doctors will try to give their patients the most beautiful transformations for a whole lifetime. For further details, kindly contact us and fill out our form for more details.

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