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Is PRP Treatment a Permanent solution for hair loss?

If you are facing hair loss problems or want to add volume to your hair, then PRP Treatment is the best option for you. It involves the use of platelet-rich plasma injections. Hair loss has a direct impact on our self-confidence. This is an innovative way of treating hair problems using bodily components. It is the best alternative to a hair transplant. Furthermore, it not only reduces hair fall but also heals, regenerates, strengthens the hair, and improves scalp health. Our Dermatologists are professionals who have developed expertise in this technique without any mishaps. Follow along to see how this process will benefit you and get the answer if PRP Treatment is a Permanent solution for hair loss.

Quick Facts: 

  • Cost: 4999 SAR-9999 SAR
  • Results: temporary
  • Downtime: two days
  • Back to Work: after two to three days
  • Duration of Treatment: one hour
  • Type of Procedure: invasive

What Are PRP Injections?

These injections are safe to use. They are extracted from the patient’s blood. The formula contains platelet-rich plasma, which reduces hair loss and can also restore lost hair volume. Different proportions of injections are used at the desired spots to get the desired result.

How Does It Work?

It works by separating the plasma-rich blood cells from the blood and then injecting it back into the scalp. The injections include thin particles that boost healing and growth factors. Sometimes ultrasound is required to guide the injections. Firstly, the injection stimulates growth and increases thickness, and secondly, it forms new blood vessels to improve the delivery of nutrients. From studies, it is considered that increasing the growth factor in the scalp may stimulate the healing process, thus encouraging hair growth.

Is PRP Treatment a Permanent solution for hair loss?

The answer is no, the PRP treatment is not a permanent solution for hair loss, but it is considered a long-lasting procedure. The patient can easily maintain the results by following the instructions of the surgeon. However, some patients may require multiple sessions for optimal results but some may get the result in the first session. 

In conclusion, it is not a hair loss solution, it is a restoration of hair solution which lasts for years. 

The reasons why it is not permanent are as follows: 

  1. Variation in the response: the results vary from one individual to the other. Many factors like the extent of hair loss, age, or genetic problems can change the results of this technique 
  2. Temporary hair growth: the hair stimulation is not permanent, the hair may fall out after some time of the surgery. So, it becomes necessary to get multiple sessions 
  3. Multiple sessions: to maintain the results, the patient is required to get the multiple results to promote long term hair growth. 

Choose us as your provider: 

Are you interested in whether PRP Treatment is a Permanent hair loss solution? get your queries answered by our highly experienced doctors. All of our doctors are experienced. Therefore, no serious harm or risk occurs during the process. Get yourself booked by calling us. We are waiting for you. 

Book an Appointment! 

Book us now at Aesthetic Clinic Riyadh to learn about the advantages of the hair transplant. We are to assist you in every kind of treatment. For more information, just click on the form and visit us. Our doctors are waiting for you. 


Yes, it is an effective solution 

Yes, the side effects may occur for temporary time 

No, you should avoid washing your hair right after the treatment 

No, it does not cure hair loss 

Yes, the people with alopecia should get this 

The patient can recover completely after one month.

Yes, the multiple sessions provide the more effective results 

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