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Birthmark Removal Cost in Riyadh and Saudi Arabia

Do you want your birthmarks to be removed? Are you looking for a solution? Search no further we have got you covered with a Birthmark Removal Cost in Riyadh & Saudi Arabia which is the ultimate solution for birthmark removal. We have customized solutions according to the needs and the expectations. The treatment will help you have a better and upgraded appearance of yourself. Start your journey to scar less skin with our personalized treatment.

Quick Facts: 

  • Cost: 599 SAR to 1499
  • Results: long enduring
  • Downtime: three to four days
  • Back to Work: after one day
  • Duration of Treatment: 40 to 45 mins
  • Type of Procedure: non-surgical

Understanding Birthmark Removal:

Having Birthmarks is a popular condition of discoloration of the skin tone. The discolored skin is caused during the birth which can also happen after the week of birth. The birthmarks are not the same and can be differentiated in wide ranges that depend on the size and appearance. 

The marks are mostly painless but these are permanent marks which is an obstacle between you and your beauty. The treatment can also be done for beauty purposes. 

Many of the marks stay permanent while others may disappear with time. These marks can also refer to a medical condition. The cause of the condition is still not found but some doctors say that this condition is caused due to genetics and these marks are also experienced due to family reasons. 

What are the Kinds of Birthmarks?

The two kinds of birthmarks are generally experienced these are as listed:

1. Vascular Birthmarks:

These birthmarks are formed because of bad alignment and the building of blood vessels in the birthmark area. When lots of vessels of blood are formed in a place it can cause vascular birthmarks.

Some further kinds of vascular birthmarks are:

  • Salmon: This condition is formed on the back of the neck and eyelids. The markers are also called stork bites. The salmon condition does not need any special treatment for its cure. It fades away on its own. 
  • Hemangiomas: Hemangiomas which also refer to birthmarks, it is formed in shades of many colors such as blue, pink, and red, and generally develop on the  head, or extremities as well as the neck. Initially little, they gradually increase their size in a few days, resulting in more permanent and raised. These marks naturally go away within some time and mostly vanish during the phase in which a child reaches upper age, occasionally it leaves a mark behind which is referred to as a strawberry hemangioma.
  • Port-wine: Port-wine, another variety of birthmarks, arises due to irregularities in the making of the blood vessels that are placed under the skin. While they predominantly occur on the neck as well as the face, they have the potential to develop everywhere they want on the skin of the body.

2. Pigmented: 

The pigmented marks are formed because of the clustered melanocytes. Melanocytes are responsible for skin pigmentation and gather in these spots.

Moles, also known as Nevi, come in various colors including brown, black as well as pink. Some of the moles are permanent whereas others may remain lifetime. 

Mongolian blue spots, which appear as bluish-gray hues, primarily appear on dull, dark-colored skin. The spots formed by this are also known as state grey navi which are eradicated after the child reaches the age of 4 years.

cost of Birthmark Removal Removal in Riyadh 

The cost of the treatment differs from person to person but the average cost is 599 SAR to 1499

Factors Influencing the Cost:

The cost-impacting factors for the treatment are various and these are:

Number of marks: The number of marks that are on the skin that need to be treated impacts the cost for the treatment of birthmark removal treatment. As the increase in birthmarks, it will require more time and attention from the surgeon for treatment.

Number of the sessions: The number of sessions of the treatment can also impact the cost of the treatment as the number of sessions can depend on the condition of the patient and the desired or the expected results of the patient can increase the number of sessions of the treatment.

Take charge of your Health

For more information on Birthmarks Removal costs in Riyadh and Saudi Arabia fill out the form or you can also get yourself reserved by calling our phone. Our customer care service is available at your service every time and obtain the best results from the treatment at an Aesthetic clinic in Riyadh

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